Christians Are Atheists, Except For Their God

3,000 Gods or None?

Andrew R. French
5 min readAug 6, 2024

“You believe in one god I assume….but there are 3,000 to choose from. So basically, you deny one less god than I do. You don’t believe in 2,999 gods. And I don’t believe in just one more.”

-Ricky Gervais, comedian

That old canard has been around for some time. This epiphany comes to many of us atheists. “My god,” we realize, ironically, “Christians don’t believe in almost all of the gods that I don’t believe in, but they hang on to that one god idea as a sort of spiritual security blanket.”

Christians are always asking atheists how they have any morality without a god. This is ironic, because morals are a human invention. Why would an almighty, all-powerful god have any morals? Morals help humans create better societies. They are a function of our drive to create meaning in a relatively harsh world.

Some people, like theists, think that there is an objective morality, while others, like existentialists, don’t acknowledge any type of morality that is not fundamentally related to the subjective human experience. Humans like to ascribe the ideas of goodness to morality, even though morality is…

