How Vegan Burgers are Killing Whales

Andrew R. French
8 min readDec 16, 2019

A whale will never understand the concept of being Vegan, but she will most definitely understand that she is dying because her stomach is full of 88 pounds of plastic waste, including 16 empty sacks of rice.

She is full, but she is starving. Her stomach acid cannot break down the plastic, so it has begun to break down the lining of her stomach.

Soon she will die in misery.

Is this what compassion toward animals looks like now?

If we decide to become a raw food vegan, we may end up increasing organized crime in south American countries because we cannot live without our avocados.

If we attempt to eat only fruits and vegetables as our main source of calories, we may end up importing them from all around the world, from countries that have lax or nonexistent laws about the use of pesticides on plants and around the humans who work with the crops.

We burn up tons of jet fuel to bring these fruits and vegetable to our casual Sunday morning brunches, releasing millions of pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere so that we can enjoy fresh fruit in the middle of winter with our friends. One ton of burned jet fuel emits over three tons of that greenhouse gas.

