Notes On The New Renaissance Man

The 5 Characteristics Of The New Zeitgeist

Andrew R. French
2 min readApr 3, 2018

Lately I’ve been wondering: What is this new zeitgeist that I have been feeling running like an undercurrent in all the new media that I choose to consume?

What are the common characteristic of this media that draws me in?

As a man, I have a man’s perspective.

What is happening, in short, is that men are reviving the idea of the Renaissance Man, because the current paradigms and models for being a man all seem to fall flat.

These are the 5 Values of the New Renaissance Man, and the characteristics that draw us to them.

  1. Expression/Creation: We are tired of all the bullshit and we just want the truth
  2. Community/Relationships: We are tired of the constant and implicit disconnection to everything in our daily lives and we want to have real connections with the real world
  3. Lifestyle/Health: We are unhealthy and immobile and we want to be physically fit and ready for anything that life has to throw at us
  4. Home/Work: The balance between our work life and our home life is skewed and we want to restore that balance
  5. Core Values/Passion: We are not fulfilling our potential and we are not following our passions and we want to become that man that we know we can be

We are tired of being unbalanced and are looking for a holistic way to be a balanced man in this day and age.

Who and what is the New Renaissance Man?

