Vegan or Carnivore — We All Depend On A Layer of Corpses

Herds Are Healthy

Andrew R. French
11 min readAug 29, 2018

Real animals don’t resemble anything that is created by Hollywood, Netflix, or the Disney Corporation.

Even our own human lives are so cut off from the raw reality of basic survival that we don’t have any real, tangible idea about what it means to be a physical human being living in nature. Society and our modern culture blanket us from the reality of starvation, thirst, bad weather, and presence of animals all around us. Only hunters, farmers, homesteaders, and other workers in the wild know what nature is truly like, while the city folk get their information and ideas from Disney movies. If you spend any time in nature, you know that it is a busy place, red in tooth and claw. Everything wants to eat you, and eventually you will want to eat anything. Without a supermarket to purchase your foods, you immediately begin to hunt and gather in order to survive.

A pinnacle of misunderstanding about the reality of nature’s teeth and claws comes in the form of a diet that attempts to exclude all animal products.

I don’t believe that is possible.

We need to remember that all insects and bugs and crawly things are animals, as well as all the microscopic creatures that we can’t see. It is safe to assume that the cycles of…

