Member-only story
What Food To Bring Camping For Paleo Diet Moms
Top Ten Paleo & Primal Snacks For Kids & Adults Outdoors
When I was a child and went camping with my family, we packed a lot of sandwiches and s’mores ingredients, and ate a bunch of burgers, hotdogs, and chips, all of which are Paleo or Primal Diet nightmares, loaded with bread, sugar, cheese, and so on. What my family, and most families that I know, eat on camping trips is essentially the opposite of what I now consider to be a healthy and nutritious way to eat, with a majority of fatty, fried, sugary processed foods on the picnic tabloe. As we all know, these happy times translate into happy memories, which transfer in our minds into our go-to comfort foods when we feel stress, or even when we simply are enjoying similar things, like camping or fishing.
My girlfriend was planning a short camping trip with her nephew, and he is on a basically Paleo or Primal diet (the essential rules being no gluten, no dairy, no sugar).
My girlfriend’s nephew, in contrast to my carbolicious childhood, is learning that happy times involve really good food, and so when he is an adult his go-to comfort foods will probably be healthy, and not cause obesity, heart disease (the number one cause of death in men), and other diet-related preventable diseases.