You are making claims here but do not provide evidence to support them.
"1. Anthropologists have determined that cultures that believed in blood sacrifice tended to be authoritarian. Jesus was against blood sacrifice."
According to the Christian bible, Jesus was the blood sacrifice. He literally cannot be against what he was.
"2. Authoritarian institutions cause psychological trauma. Jesus was against authoritarian institutions. This is why he was killed."
In the bible, he was killed because he claimed he was King of the Jews.
"3. Jesus promoted non-judgmentalism, modern psychology agree that judgmentalism is self destructive."
Even if the character of Jesus was against judgementalism, that doesn't prove any claim. I can point to many character, both real and fictional, that were against passing judgement on others.
"4. Jesus promoted forgiveness and mercy, modern psychology would agree these are essential for personal growth and wellbeing."
Same as above answer.
"5. Jesus promoted humility, recognizing and being honest about one's own strengths and weaknesses, abilities and disabilities, as being a healthy outlook, modern psychology again agrees."
I'm not sure why you are telling me your take on the character of Jesus's personality. I could talk all day about how cool Aragorn was in the LOTR, but that doesn't provide any evidence to any claim.
"6. Greed is bad, generosity is good--proven.
7. Seeking happiness through accumulation of stuff is bad--proven
8. Picking on the disadvantaged is bad--proven."
These are good points, but I again I don't find any relevance here. If you are saying the bible is true because it has some good ideas, I can point you to many books with good points. This doesn't mean all their claims are true.